Monday, January 19, 2009

Time to Paaaartay!

Noooooo!! It's not what you're thinking....I'm, personally, so sick of hearing about the inauguration, that I could throw up....more about that later.

It's this nation that we here at Casa Black n' Gold are so very excited about.

Steeler Nation

I can tell you that it got pretty tense yesterday for awhile. Now it's going to be a fun two weeks!

Gotta have priorities kids, and if I'm going to drink kool aid it's not going to be the kind that is being drunk in Washington now. Yinz can make mine an Arn (Iron City Beer).

The great news aside. Here's my take on the whoop-de-do. I'm extremely proud (unlike certain soon-to-be first ladies, snarky? yup! true? also yup! She had to win to be "proud"--what's up with that?) to be a citizen of a country that every 4 or 8 years has a completely civilized transfer of power. The only guns and uniforms are those that are ceremonial or for the protection of the folks. I also never had a doubt that a person of another race (gender, creed etc.) would be elected eventually. I, unlike those who turned racism into a cottage industry-Jesse I'm a'talkin to you, do not believe this is a "prejudiced" country. Are there bigoted and prejudiced individuals? Yes there are, and there always will be. There are as many (maybe more) people who would refuse to vote for a Morman, as there are who wouldn't vote for a woman, or a Muslim. This is also bigotry in my book. At least it is today in contemporary society. So I'm sick of the plates, and the coins, and the waxing poetic about history. If we were really a country of equality, this would just be another celebration of a peaceful transfer of power.

Because I want this country to continue to be successful and safe, I am hoping for the best for BO. God help you sir.


Mag said...

I have a couple of prejudices that I definitely apply to my voting decisions, neither of which are race or gender based.

I'm completely clueless on the meaning of the button.

Bezzie said...

I freakin' love you.

The whole time he was running all I heard from people "It's not about race!!!"

Okay, and now that we're arriving at the coronation, oh pardon, inauguration, it seems like that's ALL it's about. Just another inauguaration people, get over it.

I'll take football over that crap any day ;-)

kemtee said...

W00t! Go Steelers! (The Rev. Dr. Tomlin is a Newport News native, so we feel a particular affinity for his work down here. I'm sure you can understand.)

And you know full well I agree with your other point 150%. (Adjusted for inflation.)