Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Knitting Content!

I may be incapable of writing a blog post for our Institute, but that's probably because they won't let me put knitting content on our blog. I have no such trouble here. Many of the folks I've followed, write about losing their knitting "mojo". Much to my chagrin....I've only lost "mojo" for very short periods, and only after an intense burst, like Christmas. After banging out a series of complex beaded ornaments several years ago, I couldn't even visualize a bead project. Clearly, my creativity (and brain) was exhausted. I think that because I don't push like that any more, I'm finding whatever I'm doing way more enjoyable. And if I don't feel like stitching on a particular day, I don't. I've even read a book. 

Which brings me to today, though I'm not the queen of the Finished Object (that distinction belongs to Chrisknits.  You go!) I do have two FOs with which I am well pleased.....

My Parcheesi Blankie:

Raveled here.

You can get all the details. This was a long time in the knitting, but that really didn't fuss me much.

It's nice to have it finished though, so I can use it. I didn't wash or block it, just curled up under it. It is very warm, and this is a nice time of year to have a new blanket.

Then there's Color Affection:

Also Raveled. Get the details. If you're interested.

This was my first experience with Madtosh light, and I really LOVED. IT.

Toward the end I was tired of the fussiness of carrying the three colors along the edge. But it wasn't all that long, and the results were worth it. I only wish I could have thought of a nicer finish for that edge, but other than applying i-cord, which I was just not in the mood to do, I can't think of anything. I'll wear it asis, and if I feel I need a better edge, I can always go ahead and add i-cord, probably in the Grasshopper color.

And now I'm in the market for a new scarf. My dearest got me a new [short] down jacket for Valentine's Day (we are nothing if not practical), in a lovely plummy color, and though I have a scarf that will suffice, I'm thinking I'd like something warmer. One of my favorite scarves is the simple and brilliant Noro Striped Scarf, which seems to go with everything I own, but I was thinking of something different. I think I've settled on the deceptively simple Scrunchable Scarf. I have some Brooks Farm Four Play in my stash, that I've had FOREVER, in Gypsy Heart, and I think the kettle dyed yarn will work fine in the simple stitch pattern, and be warm to boot. Four Play has silk in it, so I'd expect it to be warm and cozy. I was originally thinking of a Clapotis, which I've knit before [twice] and love, but because it is a little like a shawl/scarf, I was thinking it might be too "much" for a casual coat. The other candidate was the Instant Gratification scarf. But the original pattern was knit in super bulky, and is an open stitch, and Four Play is 10 ply worsted/aran, so I'm not sure it would be "fluffy enough". Besides, I think I have a skein of Ester Bitran Hand-Dyes Talinay that will be perfect for Instant Gratification, and would be a divine Christmas gift. Sadly, this yarn is discontinued, so an orphan skein might be the perfect use for this pattern. You can see my Talinay used here. So either I'll have a scarf to go with the hat or I can cannibalize the hat (though I love the pattern it is a little silly looking when I wear it, which I do! And I seem to have a hat fitting issue which I will address in a future posting.)

Yes, Christmas 2013. Lately, when I've made samples and examples for my knitting classes, and when I finish a piece that I've done before, I'm putting it aside as a gift. I've got two put aside so far and the Instant Gratification scarf, looks like it might be another volunteer - though it isn't a class sample. It also uses up some of the (discontinued) stash that will otherwise remain sitting around (now I'm wondering if I have any leftovers from another project...hummmm).  Looks like a win-win to me.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The state of ol' State.

Living in a college town does bring with it both challenges and advantages. There are sporting events, philanthropy events, academic events, arts festivals, concerts, administrator trials (oops, that might just be here), and then there are drunken events. None of the first few actually classify as "drinking events" even though some imbibing may occur. Except for this:

This is strictly an excuse to wear green and get publicly wasted en masse. It is both maddening and frustrating. If you want to have wine with dinner tomorrow....well, get it today. Any place that sells alcohol, will be closed up tighter than a drum. And even though I had/have no plans to go out tomorrow, it annoys me anyway. And don't get me started on the municipal is simply too painful to contemplate.

Juxtapose that with this story  from the front page of the morning paper........ we may not have cattle rustling, but goat rustling is alive and well........