Friday, April 02, 2010

Good news, bad news.....

Good news...
  • The pneumonia cleared up completely. I didn't know how bad I was feeling until now. I'm even getting my feisty back.

Bad news...
  • Left me with a raging sinus infection and ten MORE days of antibiotics. I do not have one cell of fauna left in my whole body.The sinus infection, however, seems to be gone.
Good news...
  • After many weeks worth of angst, my personnel review is (fingers crossed) finished. (Backstory: for some reason, this office elevates a simple process to bizarre levels of busywork. It is horrifying.)
Bad news...
  • Even after several go-arounds, the "fat lady" hasn't sung. The exec. dir. has to "approve" the review. This has been tricky in the hitting a moving target.
Good news...
  • I read a number of blogs, but don't comment on many. However, in the past month I've "won" two blog contests. I am someone who doesn't ever WIN anything. Hence my aversion to games and gambling.
  • Thank you Zeneedle for the Sublime Kid Mohair. So very cool.
  • And I just received a free pattern from Wendy Knits...her work is lovely!
To say I was stunned this morning when I was notified about the pattern is an understatement.

Bad news...
  • It almost makes up for me backing into my neighbor's bumper yesterday morning. (Though I don't think my husband will agree.) Fortunately, used loosely, the only damage is to MY car. My driver's side rear bumper is pretty much toast (which means the whole bumper will need to be replaced), and the tail light is broken up. There is good news here though. The fellow who's truck I hit had virtually NO damage save a little scratch on the underside of his bumper. I left a note and he called to tell me that it didn't concern him. (Good karma points to you Ron!)
So I hope this explains, the silence here from Happy Valley. I am now hoping that my review is passed along without further comment. Then maybe I can actually concentrate on my job!!

Knitting content is languishing on my camera......maybe Monday!!

Oh yes, and Happy Easter to those who celebrate the holiday, or holy day, you pick. And Happy Passover to my Jewish friends and colleagues.

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