Monday, June 29, 2009

Personal story time....

This post has been removed.


kemtee said...

Oh, I'm thinking.

When the most helpless among start become victims and statistics of this madness, will people understand why we fight so hard against it? Will they then break through the fog of hopeychange when it's their kid? Their grandmother? Themselves?

All ultimately too late. I can only hope enough people speak up while there's still time.

Unknown said...

Sing it sister! I just can't understand how people can not see what's right in front of their faces!!! We can only pray and work diligently to prevent this monstrous mistake to get s foot hold in our country.

Fred Vanderbom said...

Reading the Facebook bloglets on the Pyloric Stenosis Support page is a reality check. No doubt this condition is often diagnosed promptly, and the death rate is very low, but all too often parents go through hell before their baby's ps is recognised. Also in the US, I'm afraid.