Monday, December 08, 2008

You tell 'em Ruth!

I'm so glad there are articulate people out there who say [nearly] exactly what I'm thinking...


Bezzie said...

I think you beat her to those sentiments! ;-)

kemtee said...

And yet they wonder why the Tribune Co. filed for bankruptcy -- and blame everything and everyone except themselves.

Of course, this lovely experiment of ours is easily twenty-odd years past the life span of any other republic in civilization. Wouldn't surprise me if it ate itself in a short time. It's already taken the first nibbles.

Mag said...

'Dereliction of duty". It's not just American journalism that suffers from this. I've seen it in every layer of American professionals and workers. The polarization of the press is a part of this 'Me first and the hell with the others' disease.

I canceled my beloved New Yorker when after years of non-partisanship, indeed a non-political editorial stance, they went all Dem all the time with special focus on the gay agenda. Thanks Tina Brown, who is a European BTW.
Thanks for the read. :-)