Here's what did happen:
I finished another Mindy Ross pattern, Giggle with a Jiggle.
It was great fun to knit. Right up to the last section (green) when finally, and unexpectedly, I had enough, and just busted through it. This was also knit in the lovely Shibui linen. This is a photo that is unblocked. I gave it a good soaking and hard blocking and the eyelets opened up even more. I used lime/copper lined triangle beads, nearly 100 grams of the buggers, and I really love it. I'll probably wear it rather soon, even though the weather here is quite cold.
I also took some time to do some beading this past holiday. This is the first time I've used traditional beading techniques, since I busted up my shoulder in 2013. I found I missed it and ordered the supplies to work on a few more:
I bought the components for these back in November 2013, then was injured and unable to work them. I then injured my wrist 9 months later and that ended my beading career for the entirety of 2014.
Now, finally, I have the ability to get back to it and I'm trying to make up for lost time.